
Happy Friday!


It's gonna be a great weekend.

First, Daylight Savings Time starts this weekend.  I am so happy about this!  I'm ready for more light and longer days.  Spring is coming. 

The book club girls were over earlier this week and the general consensus is that we're all sick to the teeth of our winter clothes and our pasty skin and are ready for warmer weather and (in my case, bottle) tans....

Second, the weather in Charlotte is forecasting fabulous.  70 degrees and sunny all weekend.  THAT is great.  This lends itself to less winter clothes. 

I'm gonna visit with some friends and hang out with some Beans this weekend.  And, you know, I need to wash my car.  I can't take it to Auto Bell for a couple more weeks due to the recent repair/paint job.  And you know, I dislike cleaning the car.... but I want it clean - so I may have to suck it up on Sunday.  Also - and this is a little known fact, but the Mama doing anything outside of the front door while two Beans are on the inside usually causes a GINORMOUS frap all through the house.  I have no idea why, but if I go out to sweep the stoop, they go crazy in the house.  It'll be interesting to see how much craziness washing the car sets off.

So have a great weekend.  Enjoy the weather wherever you are -

And I'll see you on Monday.
Image:  Absinthe and Pink by Honeytree.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha...Louis does the exact same thing! I wonder why that is?

    We are slated for 64 degrees this weekend, and I couldn't be more pleased :) Here's to Spring making it's arrival...slowly but surely.


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