
Bad Days

I spoke to my brother on the phone yesterday. He said he was having a bad day.

I haven't had a bad day in about three years. I remember the last bad day that I had. I spent it in hell at the DMV and when I finally came out to leave, my battery was dead and my car wouldn't start. I put my head down on the steering wheel and tried to figure out what to do. I wanted to cry and I didn't want to deal with my life.

However, since I wanted to go home, I couldn't afford to abandon my car and I didn't enjoy the DMV parking lot enough to live there, I figured I had to deal with it. That day, I made the decision to face my life, head on, from there on out. Everyday since then, I have.

I'm not saying I'll never have another bad day. I know that I will. It's just that I have a different definition of "bad" now. I realized I let annoyances get the best of me. Now, no matter how many challenges have presented themselves to me or how tired I am at night, I can't bring myself to have the thought of "This was a bad day". I've chosen to focus on the good and the opportunities that challenges present.

It's amazing to me that such an enormous change came about from a mental adjustment in the DMV parking lot.


  1. who knew that the epiphany light could shine so bright at the DMV?! however, in theory this is the perfect place because it is where there just might be the highest concentration of people who are making the present moment a living hell versus going with the tide...i mean really, when did you think look at all these sunny happy people and they are all here at the dmv?
    bravo my dear!

  2. Amazing how such a simple change can have such an amazing impact! Congrats on making the change!


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