
Happy Friday!

Hey, everyone! 

I know I say this a lot, but thanks for stopping by the blog this week.  And then again, maybe I don't say it enough!  I really appreciate all of you and you make me happy with your comments.  I could kiss you all! 

I really love this blog and it has brought me a lot of joy and happiness and most of that is related to all of you. 

Now, having said that, I'm wiped out.  The nature of my law practice is sort of cyclical and right now, I'm swimming in an ocean of stuff that has to be done and everything else feels behind. 

So I'm taking a little "blog-cation" next week to regroup and get my footing back.

Don't worry, I will be back with a vengeance on  November 1 and hopefully, I'll be renewed and re-energized. 

In the meantime, have a great weekend and kiss the ones you love. 

And I'll see you on November 1!!




  1. We'll miss ya! Enjoy the week!

  2. Thank YOU for all of your original, interesting and charming content! Hope that you have a good week of life maintenance, and see you on November 1st. XX

  3. I will certainly miss your blog next week. My Mom has to go back to Duke for a few days next week. With free WiFi at the hospital, I spend most of my time surfing the net. During our last two trips, yours was one I checked daily! I will still stop by because I enjoy reading those on your sidebar! Have a great week!


  4. I certainly understand - I took about a six-month hiatus from mine and am just sort of sporadically getting back into it now. As much as I loved it, I just needed a break!

    I enjoy your blog - check it daily and enjoy the pictures, the words, the Beans! Hope you enjoy your week!


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