
One Thing I Know

You know how Oprah has a list of things she knows "for sure"?

I really like to read them.  I think they're really incisive and her opinion has really helped me have - what I believe - is a better, happier life.

But I don't know if I 'know' all the things that she 'knows'.  

You know what I mean?

But over the years I have had some rough spots.  And I'm enormously grateful for them because they have provided me the learning opportunities and moved me forward to a better place.

And from my failures and struggles I have come up with one thing that I know for sure - and here it is in all it's profound glory -

You will never find happiness comparing yourself to other people. 

Somebody's always going to be thinner, be prettier, have a more fabulous looking life. 

And if you are competing with them - especially in your own head - where, let's face it, you can't win anyway - you are going to be miserable. 

Focus on yourself.  What you want.  Own the decisions that you make.  And move on with yourself.

That's just all there is.
Image:  No. 1 Paris Doors by Retrospect Photo.


  1. The sermon on Sunday was on this very thing. It was really good! He said that we are comparing our insides to everyone else's outsides and that is not a fair comparison.

  2. Amen!!! If you ever want to feel really horrible about yourself, just pick a friend who looks 'successful' on the outside and start comparing yourself. You'll be suicidal within minutes!!

  3. When people say to me that money is the root of all evil - i say no - it isn't - comparisons are. Truly, that is what I've said for a long time! Amen to your sentiment.


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