
The Weekly Bean

Yes, they do have a fuzzy, leopard print pillow that they sleep with.

Yes, they are very attached to it and sleep with their heads on it.

Yes, sometimes they find it inconvenient and snoot it out of the way.  

Yes, I actually bought it (at Target) for the living room (many years ago) and they appropriated it for their own use (many years ago).

No, they didn't ask me.  They just appropriated.  

No, they don't share it with me, nor do they appreciate it when I take it away from them and put it in the washer.

They have a very entitled attitude about the whole thing.


  1. Hi; first time commenting on your blog; found it through Lindsey's (Jasper) blog. LOL, I laughed at this entry. I can so truly relate. I believe corgi and entitlement go hand in hand

    we actually bought our present couch to match the color of our corgi knowing he would be on it and shedding

    looking forward to reading more of your adventures :)



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