
The South Carolina Candy Stop

When I was in law school, my best friend, Beth, and I would road trip down to the beach from time to time.

Inevitably, we'd have to stop and potty and buy gas - whatever.

She would disappear into the store and come back out with bottles of diet coke and a little brown paper bag full of candy.

She was the Queen of Candy.

Everlasting Gobstoppers.  Junior Mints.  Bubble Gum.  Sweet Tarts.  Bit-O-Honey.  Mary Janes.

She would have the most fabulous and replete little bag of candy that anyone could ever have put together.  She was a curator of candy.

After the shooting incident on Wednesday when I stopped to potty and buy diet coke, I decided to get some candy and I thought about Beth.  She was so much better at it than me.

She has two little boys now.  I hope that they know that their Mom is the Candy Queen.  And that she is wonderful and brilliant and fun.

I sure do. 
Image:  Oodles of Candy No. 2 by Tali Schiffer.

1 comment:

  1. sounded like fun adventures; I always think driving long distances is easier with a bag of candy to share



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