
I'm Really Confused

I don't understand why the Republicans want government out of every aspect of our lives, except our churches and our bedrooms. 

I suppose it would be OK if the government established a religion, as long as you belonged to the religion the government decided on.  Everybody else would be a little put out.  

And I don't understand how anybody could take this woman seriously. 

I think she might bother me less if I weren't a lawyer, but then I'll never know.....

Image:  Are You Free by Chicalookate.


  1. It makes my brain hurt, it really does.

    As for She Who Shall Not Be Named...well, I think she makes me lose a few IQ points every time I read about her.

  2. Someone asked me the other day why I don't like 'her'. I really have a hard time understanding how anyone can like her...or should I say respect her.

  3. I tend to find her irrelevant. I pretty much turn off the TV if she's on the program.


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