
This Charming House

This is Acrobat by Jill Moser. 

Lincoln Center commissioned it for one of their posters and I ordered it for my sunroom. 

I am giddy with joy.


  1. Umm. I know this is my first comment...but imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery, right? I hope so, cause I kinda need this in MY charming house! Thanks for the inspiration! :)

  2. I was just going to ask where you found it - thanks!!

    Oh, and PS - thank you, THANK YOU, for Jesse. It was a little rough coming back into work today from a rather long holiday weekend, and he made it S.O. much easier on me.

  3. I actually just went and looked at One King's Lane and I think the sale ended! You can try Lincoln Center directly, though.

    And Jesse does make things more pleasant, doesn't he???


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