I hope everyone had a wonderful and happy Valentine's weekend. I found this beautiful picture of a camellia and I just love them. They bloom all winter here in North Carolina and that just couldn't be nicer. I'm also happy that the days are getting longer. I looked on the calendar and Daylight Savings Time begins in about a month. It's official. I'm lusting for spring, this despite my pleasure in not making myself miserable while I'm waiting for it. I'm still putting my boots on everyday and enjoying my wool scarves and my camel coat. Still....I'm really beginning to look forward to warmer weather and spring flowers.
Also, on Saturday, I bought my plane ticket for Key West. I'm really looking forward to it. Last year was my first trip down there and it's really a great place to go and lay in the sun like a slug. And the food is great. And our hotel has a tiki bar by the pool and nice little girls who will bring you food and liquor while you lay there. We were really thinking of going to Europe this year, but then neither of us wanted to deal with the plane ride or customs or the navigation of foreign culture. We just wanted a short flight, warm weather, no plans and mudslides delivered directly to our chaise lounges. So we're going back to Key West. It really fits the bill.
I have nothing to report about Sunday. I had one of those days where I got out of bed before I wanted to and didn't recover from it all day. I was just kind of a sleepy little crank pot. I did manage to pick up the house, but I really didn't enjoy it. And then I ordered pizza for dinner and watched the Olympics.
Image: Rose of Winter by Mingtaphotography.
I have been traveling and just caught up on all of your recent posts. Hope you have a great week!